Roybridge Image Library

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Welcome to the Roybridge Image Library

The Roybridge Image Library contains 381 pictures of this area for you to browse.

Many are images from a bygone age; some are images from present times. New images are always welcome. Images can be viewed by year, by album, by group, or by contributor, or you can use the simple search at the top of this page.

When viewing the pictures you can leave your own comments using the form at the foot of each page (please ensure that you fill in all relevant portions of the comments page; it would be appreciated if comments are left with at least a forename....anonymous comments may not be published, and abusive ones most certainly will not be published). In this way we hope to build up an extensive collection of information, reminiscences and anecdotes, and make any corrections necessary. There are 633 comments on the site at present.

You can also upload your own photos usigng the Upload a Picture link on the menu.
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Spean Bridge Primary School Shinty Team 1950?

Old Spean Bridge School Shinty team photo, the late Michael Achnahannat and Tommy Howitson back row on the right

381 Pictures | 633 Comments
Spean Bridge Primary School Shinty Team 1950?
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Corrour 1910Lochaber Camanachd Valerie Fraser Winners - 2016Lochaber Camanachd WCA Valerie Fraser WinnersOld House at AchluachrachLochaber Camanachd - Glenmore Cup Winners 1972 Spean Bridge - Glenmore Cup Winners 1914Mr and Mrs Alex DorwardAlex Dorward & John InnesHalloween Party 1985Halloween Party 1985Roybridge Hotel . Approx 1940. Sandy & Lexie Campbell. Inverlair.James Ross & Robert George Ross - WW1 CasualitiesAngie CameronAngie Cameron & Richard GallPrimary School Musicians , Picture 2 - 1990


Joe McHugh & Alistair Cameron 1968Roybridge School Pupils 1956Bohenie James MacDonald ( Senior ) Bohenie 1950 ?Bohenie 1950 ?John MacDonald (the Bochan) 1950 ?Crossing the Roy 1950 ?Lochaber Camanachd Opening 1979Shepherds at Thom Mhor 1948MacHugh Children at  Inverlair Farm 1932A Macmaster MurlagganCille Choirrill before restoration in 1932